Monday, May 3, 2010

What's the point?

But now, this is what the LORD says- he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine.... Isaiah 43:1
Let's play a quick game? Answer the following with the first thing that comes to some free association. However, I want you to think, "big picture." Here we go..... What's the point of a car? What's the point of a house? What's the point of food? If you played the game like you should have, you would have thought the following: Car? -for transportation, House? -for shelter, Food? -to nourish the body. That was simple. Round two....let's play again- What's the point of Christianity? Bottom-line....boil it down....what's the point? Take a figurative five steps back away from Christianity and what do you see as its purpose. Hopefully you don't see laws, commands, rituals, or traditions. If you are back far enough away, you should see "relationship." So, here's the big picture- God created, man sinned, and the Savior redeems. Said more simply- God desires to be in relationship with his creation....and God has even provided a way for fallen man to be in relationship with Holy God. His name is Jesus. Read the verse above one more time- we are created, we are redeemed, God has called us by name and we are His! That's the whole point. Why do you think we make it so complicated?

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