Friday, May 21, 2010

Ever lost something?

Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them.... Luke 15:4 [....] Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Luke 15:8a
Have you ever lost something? For some reason, to me, this is one of the most annoying things. Even small, rather insignificant items, when found, can be a huge source of joy. Interestingly, Jesus is very concerned about lost things. Leading up to the parable of the lost son, there were two other "lost" stories that Jesus shared. The first lost thing in Luke 15 is a lost fact it was merely part of a band of 100 sheep....but, it was lost. Right after this story, Jesus tells us about a woman who lost one of her silver coins. She had ten, but she lost one. The point of the lost things is not that they were lost, but rather, that they were found. And, even more importantly, rejoicing was paramount. If you look closely at these three parables in Luke 15, the kingdom norm is that there is rejoicing when one sinner repents....not only on earth but in heaven. Over the next few days, ask the Lord if you can experience the joy of rejoicing with someone who was lost....but now is found.


  1. I think the most annoying thing about losing something is that it is always in the last place you look. ;-)

  2. Like my Mom used to tell me, "If it was a snake it would've bit you." :) I guess you could say that there are lost ones right where we are; where we live, play, work, shop...let's not miss them. Daniel asked me what happens when Jesus returns for we talked about it, and I explained the Rapture to him in terms he could grasp, of course. I also shared about those who would be 'left behind' and how we must tell them about our Savior because of the fate that would await them for rejecting Christ...he said he would start telling people today. It's simple...a child gets it...we must share the Joy of Jesus so we can indeed rejoice with someone who's been found. So, yes, I will ask the Lord that very question.
