Wow!, I just flunked this chapter in Arterburn's (2007) book. He asks five questions that relate to the level of stress in our lives:
1. Do you have effective ways of relaxing?How do you stack up to these questions?
2. Do you regularly exercise?
3. How sensibly do you eat?
4. How well do you manage your time?
5. Are you getting enough sleep?
Arterburn (2007) states:
You'd have to be living on another planet not to know that stress affects your body in negative ways. Because stress is something we all experience, we all need to learn effective ways to manage or reduce it..... Are there habits and pratices you could change today that would make you feel better? The answer is probably yes.Since the name of this blog is "authentic, striving to be real", I am not even going to begin to suggest that I have this area of my life under control. However, that should not stop us from taking a serious look at the five questions that Arterburn places before his readers. I think I know what I need to do in this area....I am going to take one of the questions that I feel will have the greatest impact and seek to live it out.
Will you consider doing the same?
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