Another state of emotion that Arterburn (2007) highlights is rejection. Rejection so often is one of the more painful states since it typically involves someone very close. It takes many forms and even after the shock of rejection wanes, it can leave some very stubborn and nasty lies in its wake. Arterburn touches on this concept when he states:
You see, the enemy used emotional pain to implant lies--that no one will want or love you; that people will only hurt you; that if only you were better...all lies!I don't fully understand why rejection seems to cut to the very core of our being, but Arterburn does remind his readers of the following:
The truth is that there is someone who is completely trustworthy and who will never reject you. Your acceptance has nothing to do with your actions or your appearance. Jesus unconditionally loves you because you are His. He identifies with your pain. According to Isaiah 53, Christ was despised, rejected, and a man of sorrow. Because of His great love for you, He suffered the pain of rejection and crucified it once for all on the cross.Bottom-line, rejection has the potential of carrying emotional confusion. To begin cutting through the confusion, realize that even Jesus was rejected.
Lord, rejection hurts deeply. Help me to fully understand that even you experienced rejection. Expose the stubborn lies that are seeking to embed in my thought life due to the rejection. Fill me with your peace.
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