Friday, April 16, 2010

Doors and Voices.....

"Doors and voices" have been the running theme within my spirit this week. Looking back at this week's posts, Hezekiah opens the doors of the LORD's temple. I asked if the doors of the Lord's temple within us were shut. Is your door jammed closed, partially open, opening, slowly closing??? Where are you in relation to being open to the Lord's work within you? No one else can answer this question for you. All of life hangs in the balance in relation to the reality of your openness to God.

Next, I turned our attention to the "door" that we call our mouth....more specifically, our speech. Remember?, this was the "vomit" post. From the overflow of our hearts, our mouth speaks. You can get a fairly good assessment of your spirit by listening to your speech...."what's coming up?"

Then, I shared a post about the many competing voices in our lives. While many believe there is no such thing as absolute truth, only the truth as we individually make a believer in God, we know the God of one voice! Are we listenting to this one voice of truth?

And finally yesterday, we met up with Elijah at the door/mouth of the cave. He discovered the Lord's voice within the "gentle whisper." It takes authentic stillness to hear the Lord's voice. There is no doubt that the Lord desires to speak life and wholeness into our beings. Spiritual deafness has a cure....the medicine is stillness.

God bless! Have a wonderful weekend.....By the way, if you know of someone who may benefit from this blog, share the link. Be an instrument of God's desire in another's life.

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