Grace is divine, a gift from God to you. He offers new life based on nothing you have to offer. There is no way to earn his affections or coax His love for you. He already delights in you and befriends you.Now remember that we are still thinking within the framework of the first key to loosening burdens-- surrender. Yesterday we were reminded that we do not have to maintain the burdensome illusion of control and today we hear great news that we don't have to do anything to gain favor from God. Yesterday, we were challenged to gain the freedom of a life surrendered to God, today we hear that we are given unmerited favor....this thing called the "grace" of God.
Grace seems too good to be true, but it's authentic. There is no pretending. The God of all grace is compassionate. He cares deeply, and He has the capacity to be intimately involved in our lives.
Grace requires faith. We must trust in the mercy of God and realize His favor on us even though it is undeserved.
It is time you started treating yourself the way God treats you...with grace!
Have you ever had a friend who simply loves you just because you are you; no strings attached. This is the type of friend you would never have to prove your love. Well, multiply that by infinity and you'll get a glimpse of God's unmerited favor toward you....this is grace. It comes from God and is directed to our very beings.
Lord, if this is really true, then how did my mind get so cluttered with the myth that I have to earn your favor? Change my mind so that I can fully receive your grace. Forgive me for knowing the spiritually sounding word (grace), without really experiencing the fulness of such. Thank you.